The freezing process stops all microbiological activity, so when frozen seafood is cooked properly it has the same flavor and texture as fresh fish. Because of this, many consumers believe that frozen seafood is better than fresh.
The benefits of Frozen Seafood that is frozen at the time of harvest helps to preserve all the nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their heart health benefits. The freezing process also helps to preserve other important nutrients such as the mineral iodine needed for thyroid function, zinc for wound healing, and selenium which acts as an antioxidant.
The Cool Catch: Exploring the Health Benefits of Frozen Seafood
Frozen seafood is available year-round and is not as sensitive to seasonality as fresh. This makes it easier for restaurants, canteens, and households to serve a variety of nutritious fish and shellfish throughout the year without having to depend on local supply.
Buying frozen seafood also reduces food waste. This is because frozen seafood can be kept in the freezer until needed, unlike fresh fish which needs to be eaten relatively quickly. This helps to minimize waste that can contribute to environmental problems.
Choosing frozen seafood also allows consumers to enjoy their favorite seafood species regardless of season, so they can still have salmon during winter months when fresh options may be limited or shrimp at barbecues in the summer. In addition, frozen seafood can be much more affordable than its fresh counterpart. This is because it saves on transportation costs and carbon emissions.