How to Use Caster Sugar in Recipes

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Caster sugar, often referred to as superfine sugar or baker’s sugar, is a type of finely ground granulated sugar. It’s a popular baking ingredient in the UK and the US, particularly for delicate baked goods like meringues, custards, mousses, and sponge cakes.

Substitutes for Caster Sugar

If you don’t have caster sugar on hand, substitute it for regular sugar in recipes. But note that using powdered sugar instead of caster sugar can leave baked goods with a thin, grainy texture, which may ruin your recipe.

Surprising Benefits of Using Casters in Your Workplace

Make Your Own Caster Sugar

If your recipe calls for caster sugar, you can make it with granulated sugar in just minutes. The process is simple: Simply add a cup of granulated sugar to your food processor, coffee grinder, or blender and whirl it for a few minutes.

Then, mix in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. This will help caster sugar dissolve more quickly and incorporate into sauces, puddings, and bases.

How to Measure for Caster Sugar

To measure caster sugar, use a kitchen scale. This will ensure that you’re adding the right amount of caster sugar to your recipe, and it also helps you keep track of how much caster sugar you have on hand.

How to Substitute for Caster Sugar

The most accurate way to substitute caster sugar for granulated sugar is to weigh it. However, if you don’t have a kitchen scale, you can use volume to approximate the correct amount.

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