Kettlebell Ab Rotation

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kettlebell ab rotation

The addition of a kettlebell to the standard bodyweight exercises that make up the abs and core workout can be really effective. For example, the windmill is a great upper body exercise, but with the addition of the kettlebell you can also improve hip and shoulder mobility. Another classic kettlebell abs movement is the suitcase walk, where you walking holding one or more kettlebells in front of your body. This is a fantastic way to work the core, hips and shoulders while improving grip strength. URL kettlebell ab rotation –

A more challenging but hugely rewarding kettlebell abs exercise is the wood chop. From a half-kneeling position (left knee on floor and right knee bent at around a 90-degree angle) hold the lighter kettlebell low beside the left hip. Inhale and engage the core, then sweep your left leg backwards and underneath your butt to straighten your knee and raise the kettlebell up to chest height in front of your face.

Kettlebell Ab Rotation: Dynamic Exercises for a Strong and Defined Core

Maintaining a solid core and preventing the kettlebell from dropping down behind your head is difficult enough, but adding the weighted circle to the rotation makes it even harder. “It’s important to make sure the kettlebell doesn’t drop too low and hits the front of the lower back,” says Duncan, who recommends performing 10 reps on each side.

Stand with the kettlebell on the ground about a foot in front of your feet, shoulders back and chest up and gripping the handle firmly with both hands. Shift hips back then explosively swing the bell forward, allowing the momentum to carry it up until it’s in front of your body at shoulder height. Repeat, squeezing your glutes throughout the movement.

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