Native Cigarettes is a brand of tobacco crafted and distributed by Indigenous communities within Canada. Unlike traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes, Native cigarettes are grown without the use of chemicals or additives, which makes them healthier for smokers. They are a popular alternative to other smokeless tobacco products like chew, cigars, and vaping devices. Check this out:
As he drives down the winding road toward Kahnawake Mohawk territory, Mike Mitchell sees an anonymous blue metal box ringed by a towering fence and a sign that warns, “No trespassing.” Tucked inside is a factory producing the controversial new lifeblood of his community—and arguably posing a dire threat to Canadian public health.
Cultural Significance: Understanding Native Cigarettes
The plant, one of roughly 50 in the community of Akwesasne (pronounced k-WINS’-ah-sne), is the only commercial tobacco production facility on the reserve and the sole source of income for many residents. It also employs a significant number of people outside the community.
For decades, cigarette companies have promoted their products to American Indians by sponsoring cultural events and using romanticized images of indigenous people in advertising and packaging. This practice misappropriates tribal culture and contributes to high rates of smoking among American Indians.
Boudreau and other tribe leaders say that tackling the issue of smoking must go beyond rolling out generic antismoking advertisements and pushing “just say no to tobacco.” They argue that building up respect for the sacred plant, as well as reviving traditions around growing it, would make it less likely that young people turn to commercial cigarettes.