PDC Hydrogen Compressors

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PDC hydrogen compressor

Hydrogen is a clean alternative fuel with the potential to improve our energy efficiency, lower our emissions, and provide greater mobility. As humans look toward alternative energies, compressed hydrogen has proven itself as a powerful energy storage solution that can be used to replace fossil fuels. However, storing large volumes of Hydrogen in a small space requires an efficient way to compress it.

PDC hydrogen compressor Machines engineers and manufactures specialty diaphragm compressor systems and complete hydrogen refueling stations that meet a variety of customer applications. Including the innovative SimpleFuel on-site hydrogen generation, compression and dispensing appliance designed for warehouses and small fleet operations.

Optimizing Industrial Hydrogen Production with PDC Hydrogen Compressors

Reciprocating piston compressors are a well-known technology for compressing gaseous hydrogen at relatively high pressures (350 – 700 bar). These types of compressors are oil-lubricated or non-lubricated, with the latter being preferred to avoid any contamination of the resulting compressed hydrogen. These compressors are driven by either diesel or gas turbine engines. The MTBO (Mean Time Between Overhaul) for this type of equipment is typically between 10 and 30 years depending on the drive power, which is usually in the range of 300kW-15MW.

In contrast to reciprocating piston compressors, ionic liquid compressors use an ionic liquid membrane instead of pistons to compress hydrogen gases. Ionic liquids do not require lubricating oils, which significantly reduces mechanical complexity and operational expenses and extends the life of the compressor by up to ten times compared to conventional reciprocating piston compressors. Ionic liquid compressors can reach the rated capacity and pressure needed at hydrogen refueling stations at competitive costs.

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