Risk Taking Behaviors

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risk taking behaviours

Risk taking behaviour has been associated with both physiological and personality traits. A recent study by McCallister and Waltz concluded that people who are high risk taking, have higher blood pressure and higher adrenaline levels. On the other hand, people who are low risk taking, have lower blood pressure and lower adrenaline levels. In the same vein as these studies, a number of case studies have revealed that there are many risk taking behaviours that can also lead to health problems or even death. Take the following behaviours into consideration:

How to know Risk-Taking Behaviors

A previous research has illustrated that people who plan ahead are less likely to take risky decisions. Previous research has demonstrated that individuals who take risk and are confident about the decisions they make, are happier with their lives. This happiness is reflected in their life satisfaction, and their ability to make informed decisions in the future. Individuals who are happy with their decision making and are able to relax, are more likely to take calculated risks and are more likely to meet their goals. The above behaviours are reflective of risk taking attitudes and individual’s ability to assess potential outcomes, taking into account the risk of uncertainty inherent in the process.

Risk taking behaviours include the over-optimisation of an outcome (over-estimation), the under-optimisation of an outcome (under-estimation) and the inability to accept uncertainty (ignoring the possibility of risk). It is our ability to calculate and control our uncertainties that allows us to make informed decisions. If we ignore the possibility of uncertainty, we are destined to fail in life, as numerous risk taking behaviours demonstrate. For example, if you purchase a car based on your emotional response to a model, you are setting yourself up for failure. On the other hand, if you make careful and educated risk assessment in terms of the vehicle’s performance, driving habits, safety features and warranty information, you are setting yourself up for success.

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