If you want to store your recreational vehicle in trailer storage edmonton, Alberta, you may need to know the rules. Recreational vehicles are only allowed on public streets if they are for personal use. The city’s Traffic Bylaw 5590 specifies that an RV may be parked on city streets for 72 consecutive hours, and after that time it must be moved. Then, the vehicle may be parked back on the owner’s property. The motor vehicle registries in the city determine the residence of the owner. As the owner, it is your responsibility to keep all vehicle registration information updated.
A Convenient and Easy Way to Store Your RV
In addition, RV storage can save you money. RVs take up a lot of space, and most people don’t have enough driveway space for them. Not only will it take up space, but it will also interfere with other vehicles and garage access. Not to mention, RVs are a prime target for thieves, break-ins, and squatters. It’s best to find a secure RV storage facility if you want your vehicle to stay safe and secure.