If you’re looking for a cosmetic fix to your smile that can mask discolorations like a gray tooth from a root canal, discolored teeth from previous drug treatments or excessive fluoride exposure, or correct minor problems such as gaps, crooked teeth, or small or pointy teeth veneers may be just what you need. These thin porcelain or composite resin coverings can make your teeth appear more natural and improve their overall appearance.
Unlike crowns which cover the whole tooth, What are dental veneers only cover the front of your teeth. They’re a relatively quick procedure and not as expensive as implants. But it’s important to keep in mind that a veneer will not replace damaged teeth, and the enamel shaved off to place a veneer cannot grow back.
What Are Dental Veneers and How Can They Improve Your Smile
A dentist will evaluate your smile and decide if veneers are right for you. If they are, the process will usually take three separate visits – one for a consultation, and two to prepare and construct your veneers. The dentist will use a local anesthetic before working on your teeth to ensure comfort. They’ll create an impression or 3D model of your teeth and send it to a lab for the construction of your veneers.
Once the dentist receives your new veneers, they’ll match it for fit and color before permanently cementing it to your tooth. Typically, they’ll also use a special light to help the bonding cement harden and set. After the procedure, your mouth and gums may feel sensitive from the bonding cement but this will fade over time. You’ll want to avoid eating or drinking anything that can stain the veneers and maintain good oral hygiene, including brushing twice a day and flossing.